118 Woodbury Road, Washington, United States of America
Phone: 1-833-884-0697
Star: 5.0
GDS Vendor: Auberge Resorts (AU)
Check-in/Check-out Policy
CheckOut: 1200CheckIn: 1500
Guarantee Policy
All reservations require a major credit card to confirm
booking. View rate rules for exceptions.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellation must be received 14 days prior to arrival to
avoid charge of all nights reserved and applicable taxes.
Exceptions may apply- please see rate rules
Deposit Policy
Deposits are taken for specific reservations. Please view rate
rules for specific deposit information.
Short Description
Located in the idyllic town of Washington in Connecticut. The
Mayflower Inn is an exquisite country retreat nestled in 58
acres of beautifully landscaped gardens and woodland. Just two
hours drive from New York City. It is renowned as one of
northeast Americas most distinguished luxury hideaways.
Memories are made easily when you stay at our boutique hotel in
Litchfield County. A portal to a simpler time where the
definitive measure of the good life is in soul stirring moments
rooted in the idyllic countryside